Shaping up your finances in 2018 may seem like a big goal, perhaps even too daunting. But if you take one small step at a time, these small steps will add up. Below are suggestions.
Shift Out of Automatic
Have you established automatic bill pay at your bank or service provider, or automatic charges to your credit card?
Take the Urgency Out of Emergency Sure, you know that having an account with enough funds specifically earmarked for emergencies is a good idea. But the amount you need to save seems overwhelming. The good news is you don’t have to immediately fund six months of living expenses.
Give Yourself Credit Maybe you intend to pay off your credit card debt. But do you have a plan? Knowing where you stand is the first step in getting to where you want to be.
Retire Your Excuses Does your employer offer a retirement plan? If so, you may be leaving money on the table.
Small steps can lead to big improvements in your financial well-being. Contact us for assistance in implementing a plan to reach your goals.
This is general information and should not be acted upon without first determining its application to your specific situation. Please contact your CPA or tax advisor for additional details.
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February 2022